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  • Writer's pictureLaura

Enough is Enough With the Word “enough”

“Pretty enough”

“skinny enough”

“rich enough”

“Smart enough”

The list goes on….

What is it about the word “enough”? This word has become one of my biggest pet peeves over the last decade.

American society places such a standardized expectation of every single person, even from the moment they are born. “Not sleeping enough” “Not eating enough” “Not saying enough, doing enough, moving enough”. Our lives are shaped by the extremely mis-shapen beliefs of our ancestors. We are taught that we need to spend every day trying to be more, do more and want more or we simply just aren’t enough.

This leads to the existential question, “What IS enough?” Really though, when have we actually achieved “enough”, who decides what “enough” is? What happens when we do reach some level of enough-ness? More will just be expected because our best has evolved into is no longer enough.

The word alone perpetuates this toxic environment of “you don’t fit our mold, this is wrong.” I don’t know when we became so hyper focused on what everyone else is doing or becoming but I’m done with it. It’s time to break the generational curses and move towards a more accepting and loving future.

That is all.

Until next time, I’m just a little out of touch, and a little out of line.

Xx, Laur

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